225th / 100th Anniversary Celebrations

Sunday, Oct. 15Steeple Re-dedication

  • Witness: In“spired” by Phil Carens and Mark Lenci

Saturday, Oct. 21 – Jubilee Recital by Kristjon Imperio

  • 5:00p Concert, 6:00p Hors d’ oeuvres, dessert and bubbly (Childcare provided 4:45 – 7:15p)

Sunday, Oct. 22, One 10:00 AM Worship – 100th Anniversary of our Sanctuary

  • Witness: “A Tool in the Hands of God” by Craig Stirrat
  • Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Sarah Drummond, Founding Dean, Andover Newton Theological Seminary at Yale

Sunday, Nov. 5 – All Saints Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 12 – Guest Preacher: Rev. Chris Braudaway-Bauman

Sunday, Nov. 19 – 225th Thanksgiving Sunday