The steeple of the Wellesley Village Church towers over downtown Wellesley as the sun rises.


Steeple Preservation and Other Properties Project Updates 9.13.23

September 21, 2023

The exterior preservation work on the steeple is essentially complete! HORRAY!! The scaffolding is coming down.

We are particularly pleased with the workmanship of Painter’s Pride, our lead contractor. The quality of the work exceeded our expectations, and their planning was excellent. Our steeple is in good shape for the future. Some additional work on the exterior of the church will be completed in the coming weeks. This includes preservation of the small cupola over the chapel and other wooden structures on the building roof.

Rotted wood at the base of one of the columns at the church entrance will be replaced and the other column bases will be preserved. Some landscaping will be done in the cloister garden. Minor repairs will be done to the driveway.

We are working to get all exterior lighting in proper working order. Some security lights and the LED spotlights that illuminate the steeple are being repaired.

Inside the church Painter’s Pride is repairing and painting some areas that were either damaged by water or were disturbed to conduct repairs. The Board of Properties continues their work to clean the inside of the steeple and is assessing options for maintenance that may needed on the clock mechanism.

Energy committee is supervising the extension of existing heating/air conditioning/ ventilation (HVAC) ducting to the cloister. The holes have been cut in interior walls and the ducting will go in later this month. This will prepare all the ducting needed to heat and air condition all parts of the church when the HVAC system is ultimately updated.

You can find information and frequently asked questions about more Wellesley Village Church sustainability topics on our website at: